Popular Trains in Norway

Popular Trains in Norway

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Norway railway is a broad network connecting major parts of the country, which are reachable by land, including Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, and Trondheim. Therefore, traveling Norway by train is a great way of moving around.

Things to know about Norway trains

Most trains in Norway are of modern standard and feature all necessary amenities for high-comfort passenger travel. In general, rail transport in Norway differs by categories, ranging from high-speed bullet trains to day and overnight trains, to regional Localtog trains.

The most-used Norwegian train is the Regiontog train run by NSB. This train runs on many routes, including the Bergen railway. As such, the Oslo to Bergen train ride takes around 6.5 hours; there are several seat classes and departure times to choose from, plus, on board passengers can find comfortable seats with ample legroom, free WiFi, luggage areas, and bathrooms. There are also overnight train options by NSB, offering sleeping compartments.

Train in Bergen

What is more, the Oslo to Flam train running on the Flamsbana railway is among the most favored tourist train routes in the country. The Flam railway is noted for outstanding views and is considered to be one of the most scenic train rides you can take in the whole world.

In general, it is allowed to bring your own food with you on Norway trains and it is prohibited to smoke. There are no super strict regulations in terms of weight and luggage size that you can take with you. Usually, snacks and beverages are available for purchase on the trains; all needed travel information is announced and displayed on screens in each coach. It is advisable to purchase your train tickets to Norway in advance.

Also, travelers favor taking the Swedish SJ high-speed trains which connect Norway with Sweden and with Denmark. The Stockholm to Oslo train route and the Oslo to Copenhagen train route are the most renowned and popular ones.

We hope you found all the answers to your burning questions about trains in Norway and feel ready to start planning your railway adventure in this part of Scandinavia. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to contact us and our travel specialists will be happy to advise.

Facts About Norway Trains*

  • The first line opened: 1854
  • Length: 4087 km
  • Passengers: 73.56 km
  • High-speed tracks: 139.5 km

    *data from 2017