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What is Sweden Famous for?

Sweden, the country of abundant forests and picturesque lakes, is mainly known for its breathtaking views and severe winters. But did you know that Sweden is also the country of pop music, great design, recycling, and many more? Taking a tour to Sweden, prepare to be surprised by its unique culture and unforgettable atmosphere.
Last updated: 30.07.2024

Swedish People

girl in the field
You definitely have heard about Greta Thunberg, a teenage environmental activist, or Avicii, one of the best DJ and remix artists in the world, or Alfred Nobel, who deserves no introduction. They all have one common thing โ€“ motherland. The list of famous people from Sweden is enormous.

But what about Swedish people in general? As you may know, Sweden is in the top 10 Happiest Countries. And it's not for nothing! This place is well deserved. One of the main reasons for that is that work-balance skews strongly toward life. They have a 6-hour workday, and their vacation lasts up to 5 weeks. As you see, the government and the companies put a priority on people's happiness first. And according to the Swedish government and the leading companies, this is the key to high productivity.

Swedish Cuisine

Having a meal in Swedish culture is not just about nourishment, it's more about gathering and having a good time with your loved ones. Due to this fact, there is an interesting tradition in Swedish culture called Fika. In a nutshell, Fika is a break from activity during which people drink coffee, eat cakes or other light snacks, and relax with others. But in reality, it's much more than just that. Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an attitude, and an integral part of Swedish culture. It's the ritual that helps people to socialize and relax, that is why it's a good productivity booster. Nowadays, Fika is gaining popularity across the world, just like Hygge did a couple of years ago.

And if you have a sweet tooth, there is good news for you because Sweden is proud of its Swedish chocolate. You will definitely find something to your taste because the variety is enormous.

Another thing Swedish is good at is pastries. Once you decide to add Sweden to your Scandinavian itinerary, mazarins, cardamom buns, and Arak balls are a must to try.

Quick Sweden Facts

Swedish krona
Land area
447 435 km
Member of EU:
since 1995
Total Population:

10,678,202 (2024)


Swedish Music

Swedish are very good at singing, and there are a couple of reasons for that. First of all, almost every child goes either to music school or to the choir. Hence, since childhood, children get to know the basics of music education. Another reason is government support. Government agency offers support to various forms of arts. There is also a non-profit organization that promotes and supports musicians in the early stages.
As a result of these supporting steps from the government, the world has such talented singers and groups as ABBA, Ace of Base, Avicii, and many more.

Regarding music, you'll be surprised, but Spotify was also founded in Sweden. This platform was developed as a response to the piracy problem the music industry was facing. After a while, this service grew up into the worldwide music community you know it today.

Swedish Nature

When people hear Sweden, the first thought that occurs to them is cold winters. But it's not quite the truth. Because of the Gulf Stream, the climate is much milder than you may think, but it also depends on what region are you going to visit.

Regardless of the region, the landscapes are stunning. You'll be amazed by the dramatic views Sweden prepares for you. While in Sweden, you have a chance to experience the sky lit up by northern lights. Sweden is also famous for a biosphere reserve, an ecosystem with plants and animals of special scientific and natural interest, national parks, lakes, and rivers.
But for the Swedish, it can be tough to live in the North of Sweden in winter when there are less than 5 hours of daylight for months. This could lead to Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression that arises in response to a lack of daylight and affects many people in the far North of Europe. To help people to combat it, the government installed light-boxes in bus stops to allow people waiting for their transport to experience a bit extra daylight during the dark days of winter.
Swedish nature

Two-thirds of Sweden's land area is covered by forest. And since Sweden is one of the largest countries in Europe with a small population, 85% of which live in urban areas, it makes it one of the greenest countries in the world.

Swedish Design

Swedish design
Scandinavian style is one of the most popular styles over the past years. It gained popularity due to its minimalistic approach and simplicity. This style is beloved for its light, muted colors, clean lines, free space, and simple accents. The prove of the popularity of the Scandinavian style is Ikea. Yes, the global market you may have in your city was found in Sweden.

Regarding unique design, the other famous Swedish invention is Ice hotel, one of the World's most incredible hotels to stay in. Of course, spend a night at such a hotel is a great experience, but don't be afraid, you don't have to sleep your whole vacation in ice rooms, there is also a warm hotel, where you can spend the rest of the holidays.

Swedish Recycling Approach

Garbage sorting
Sweden is the main example of how the country should combat global warming by reaching zero waste levels. Sweden is not only extremely reduces its waste, but also imports rubbish from other European countries. The main environmental aim Sweden has is stepping up from recycling to reuse. Here some recycling things Sweden is famous for:
  • Recycling stations everywhere
  • Leftover medicine (They bring medicine back to the pharmacist)
  • Discounts for used clothes
  • Garbage sorting

As you see, Sweden takes the global warming problem seriously, and for the past years, Sweden became a trendsetter for other countries to become more eco-friendly and start taking care of our planet.
All in all, Sweden, for almost ten years, remains to be in the top 10 happiest countries, and as you may guess it's well-deserved. Don't wait too long and book your trip to Sweden today. Meet the nicest Swedish people, taste the best chocolate and Swedish specialties, enjoy the remarkable architecture, visit the picturesque landscapes, and experience the lively and exciting atmosphere of Sweden.