Visit Denmark's Kronborg (Hamlet) Castle

The Kronborg Castle is probably the most famous Danish castle, known worldwide from Shakespeare's Hamlet. Not only was it the setting for the famous tragedy but it is one of Denmark's top attractions and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Hamlet's spirit is still roaming the hallways of Kronborg today, and every summer you can even experience Hamlet Scenen perform the play on an open-air stage in the courtyard. The construction of this outstanding Renaissance castle and monumental military fortress surrounded by considerable fortifications with bastions began in 1574.
Located in a strategically important place commanding the Sund - the stretch of water between Denmark and Sweden, the Royal castle of Kronborg is of tremendous symbolic value to the Danish people and played a key role in the history of northern Europe in the 16th-18th centuries.
The castle houses collections of Renaissance and Baroque interiors, as well as a 62-meter ballroom, a very well-preserved chapel and a mythological statue of Holger Danske below the castle, are among the main attractions.
The Kronborg Castle has not been inhabited by the royal family since the late 1600s but tourists are always welcome to explore this fascinating fortress.